Fetishes and Their Meanings: A carving believed to have power to protect or aid its owner. Animals often suggest characteristics that we respect and by focusing on those we desire, we can experience them more fully into our lives. Since the beginning of time, fetishes have played an important role in the life of Native Americans. The earliest fetishes in archeological excavations date back to the 7th century.
Fetishes may be made in any form and of any material. They can be used as a pocket fetish, table fetish, jewelry and large sculptures. Some fetishes have a line of inlaid stone which forms the shape of an arrow. This is called the Heartline or Lifeline. The breathpath begins at the mouth where breath gives life and points to the heart where faith and inner strength preside. When an arrow was piercing the heart it was believed and hoped that equal success would benefit the hunter.
The strongest fetishes are generally animals of prey. These are acknowledged as the most powerful providers in life so they are likewise accepted as having the greatest fetish powers. The power and strength of a fetish is obtained by placing the nostrils of the fetish to ones' mouth and taking deep breaths.