Adam Cellicion
Zuni Pueblo
Adam Cellicion is the son of Zuni potter Deldrick Cellicion. Adam learned the art of pottery making by working with his father.
The Cellicion family name has become synonymous with the three-dimensional lizard pattern. The pottery from Zuni Pueblo is easy to distinguish from other Pueblos. The artists from Zuni Pueblo create more open pieces such as baskets and bowls and are known for using common animal images like the deer, frog, lizard, tadpole and dragonfly.
Another favorite design is the “heartline” deer which is an open-mouthed deer with an arrow extending from the mouth to the inside of the deer.
Zuni Pueblo pottery is made of clay that uses crushed pottery shards or rock to temper it, which gives unfinished pottery a white color, almost like that of ceramic clays. However, most Zuni pottery is coated with a white or colored (usually red) slip and painted with black and red paints.